SakuraServer VPS User FAQ, Guide Print

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Dear Customer,
First of all, thank you for choosing SakuraServer.
Here is some notice and guide with the VPS provided by SakuraServer, if you are new to a VPS server and want us help you manage the VPS,or teach you how to work with a VPS, please direct send us a ticket for refund and go find another company.
1. VPS Control panel.
Our VPS is based on VMware, currently we don't provide any control panel. If you need reinstall or hard reboot, you have to open a ticket for it.
About why we don't provide any control panel.
Our VPS is very stable, for example, one of our customer have been using VPS-SCRT-512 with Windows 2003 R2 x86 Datacenter for over 10 months, during this 300 days, we haven't received any hard reboot or reinstall request from him. most other VPSes also very stable. If you are able to manage the server, you'll know what will destroy the OS. And we don't want our user reinstall frequently as a reinstall will affect the disk IO for 20 minutes - 60 minutes.
Simply say, we are very sure our nodes and the virtualization environment is stable, that's why we choose VMware without any control panel.
2. Why my VPS is slow?
1) Please make sure you have a decent internet connection to our node. Simply do a ping test or file download test will know, you can find the node test information at product page.
2) Please make sure you VPS have enough resources(CPU, RAM), if a process is using 100% CPU, other process will be affected. Another situation happen to Windows VPS a lot, if the RAM is not enough, the OS will using HDD/SSD as SWAP, this will cause high disk active time and make the whole node meet disk IO problem(But in actually, we'll have to suspend or reboot you VPS as it serious affect other users on this node).
3) Resources abuse by other user.
As some resources are shared(Disk IO, CPU, Network connection), your VPS may be affected by other user, especially the disk IO problem. Generally, we'll "take care" of it, but if the problem continued over 30 minutes, you can send us a compliant(please include your VPS information), then we'll check the node status ASAP.
3. I can't connect to my VPS.
1) Please check if there's a issue with your internet connection.
2) If you confirmed your internet connection don't have any issue or limit(such as the 3389/22 port have blocked), do a ping test to your server, if the server response properly, your server should be online, maybe the RDP/SSH is not working properly. You can ask us to check your server.
3) The datacenter have a internet issue, generally, we'll update an announcement for the network issue, but if your VPS totally offline for over 30 minutes and we don't have any announcement about it. Please contact us to check your VPS.
4. Do you know how to install Chrome/Firefox/FileZilla/balabalabala, could you install for me?
Of course we know, but we won't do that for you, our VPS is unmanaged, you should manage it by yourself, so do not request, we'll direct reject or just cancel your order as we don't think you can handle a unmanaged VPS, and we don't have the time on teaching you how to manage the server.
5. Can I change the billing cycle?
Yes, you can change the billing cycle at anytime, just send us a ticket.

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