
Network maintenance of KS01 node

  • 2nd February 2013
First, sorry about the downtime on KS01 node.

We have updated network of KS01, the node had 10Mbps single connection download limit, now solved.

Currently, according to our test, the single connection can pull up to 600Mbps on 1Gbps connection. :)

Also we have optimized the disk IO for VMs on this node.
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[Payment Gateway] Paypal IPN issue.Fixed

  • 28th January 2013
Currently the IPN of PayPal is not working properly,  so all payment via PayPal need manual confirm, please contact us if we haven't confirm your payment in 6 hours.

The issue have fixed.
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Canada VPS Start Sale

  • 25th January 2013
The Canada VPS series is available now, for this series, you can add SSD/RAMDisk space for your VPS.

More information:
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Updates of CA-BV-4GA

  • 22nd January 2013
We are glad to tell you that from now on, we can provide free Windows 2008/2008 R2 Web edition for your CA-BV-4GA server, you can contact our support team to request a re-installation if you need Windows.

Another update is all CA-BV-4GA servers have upgrade to 100Mbps unlimited traffic, no 5TB limit.
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